Celtic Wedding Jewelry
When we plan our weddings, every detail seems monumentally important. The choice of flowers for the bride, the groom, the bridesmaids, the mothers - and the ones for the table decorations at the reception - seems like a life-or-death decision. The cake has to be Just So. The programs must be printed perfectly. The dress - well, we all know about the dress.
In the excitement and drama and details, sometimes we forget that the flowers, the cake, the programs, even The Dress are essentially nothing more than props and costumes for a one day show. Even if that show is sold-out and it's standing room only - it's a one day show. That lasts an hour. Maybe two. At most.
Wedding rings, however, last a lifetime. From the moment your beloved slips yours on your finger, that ring is a part of you for as long as you remain married. You'll see it every day. You'll wear it every day. For many people, there is no other piece of jewelry more important.
Take the time to find the perfect ring. Not someone else's idea of what the perfect ring is, but yours. Don't rush this. At Rings from Ireland, we don't carry seven thousand different-and-yet-exactly-the-same diamond solitaires. In fact, we carry no more than a couple of dozen wedding rings and wedding ring sets--each of which are made to order. But, our rings are designed for special people, who want something more personal than what's being forced at them by the Diamond Council or the Giant Jewelry Mega Marts.
Sit back and relax. Take a deep breath. Pour yourself a cup of tea or a glass of wine, and really examine the Celtic wedding jewelry we have on display on our pages. See how they make you feel when you look at them, how you think you'd feel wearing one today, tomorrow, and in twenty years.
Your wedding ring isn't a prop. It is the central symbol of your wedding, which will act as a lifelong reminder of the vows you make that day. We hope that you find what you're looking for on our pages; if not, we hope you find what you're looking for, period. Best of luck to you, in all ways, from us happily-married folks at Rings from Ireland in County Louth, Ireland.