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Celtic White Gold Wedding Rings

Many of us love the brilliant shine of gleaming platinum. Unfortunately, platinum is one of the most expensive precious metals in the world. This is due, in part, to the fact that platinum is a more "difficult" metal to work with for metallurgists and jewelers. While it's higher melting point and greater rigidity makes it an ideal material for gemstone setting, these "advantages" make platinum considerably more expensive than gold.

If you prefer a "white" metal to that of a "yellow" one, you might do as countless others have since the 1920s, and opt instead for white gold. White gold was created to compete with early 20th century's platinum popularity. Though it was created as a "platinum alternative," today many, many people actually prefer it to platinum for wedding rings, for a number of reasons.

First off, though platinum is certainly beautiful, its very "rigidity" makes some people feel that it's not necessarily the best choice for a ring which symbolizes marriage. Marriage is about give and take, being able to flow with the changes, to adapt to new circumstances, and always being flexible and willing to compromise. These are qualities of gold, not platinum.

Secondly, platinum's brilliant white shine is doubtlessly beautiful, but hard. It "glints" in the sunlight. White gold, on the hand, glows with mellow warmth, and looks warm and inviting. Platinum is like Katherine Hepburn in Philadelphia Story. White gold is like Audrey Hepburn in anything.

At Rings from Ireland, yes, we do carry a fine selection of beautiful platinum wedding rings. They are very beautiful, and offset the white-fire of diamonds like no other precious metal. But we have a greater fondness for our selection of Celtic white gold wedding rings. We think you will too. Thank you for visiting us at Rings from Ireland, and taking the time to peruse our "pages" of Celtic white gold wedding rings.