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Irish Surname Meanings

Most of us, at one time or another, have been bitten by the genealogy bug. We wonder where our name comes from, what it once meant, who our ancestors were. At Rings from Ireland, our Irish surname finder offers at least a few answers to some of these questions.

Searching for your name is easy, and it's free. Simply type your name into our time-tested surname finder, and within seconds you'll discover the regions where your name first appeared, to whom it belonged, common spelling variations and more. We'll even tell you what the first Coat of Arms associated with this name looked like.

For those that want to "own" their name and history, you can purchase a complete surname history for $19.95. Every surname history is a minimum of 1800 words, and is printed on an elegant parchment scroll. We also offer the Armorial History with Coat of Arms, which features a full-color reproduction of your family's crest, for just $24.95.

Surname histories are wonderful gifts for high-school students, history majors, newly married couples, and friends with a curiosity about their ancestral heritage. Rings from Ireland is pleased and proud to offer these beautiful surname histories at a fraction of what some genealogy sites charge. We feel that researching and knowing about one's Irish heritage is a birthright, not a privilege allowed to only the wealthy. Thanks for visiting us today in your search for your Irish roots.