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Hill of Slane

 Hill of Slane Bell Tower

The Hill of Slane is recognized as the location where St. Patrick lit the Paschal fire on Easter Eve in 433 A.D. This location has been linked to Christianity since the 5th century. The Hill of Slane received religious significance as the result of a defying act against the high king. The Paschal fire was forbidden while there was a festival fire burning on the Hill of Tara. St. Patrick disobeyed that rule and displayed his devotion for his missionary work. As a result, the high king let him continue his work and the Easter Fire is still lit every year on the hill. The site remained a place of religion and learning for several centuries.

There was a church on top of the hill that was rebuilt in 1512 and included a bell tower. However, the ruins of a college remain untouched and the friary was abandoned in 1723.

 Statue of St. Patrick, Hill of Slane