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A promise ring or commitment ring is a type of ring given to symbolize commitment and fidelity within a relationship. It’s becoming increasingly popular for both partners to wear one of these rings to symbolize their romantic bond.
Celebrating the international themes of growth, light and renewal, the spirit of Saint Brigid is now being celebrated by women not just in Ireland but worldwide. Lá Fhéile Bríde is truly alive!
Saint Brigid's Day is celebrated in Ireland and across the world on February 1st. The feast day of this popular saint sees her traditional cross hung, carrying on a beautiful yet simple tradition, marking the festival of Imbolc.
Happy Christmas. Happy Holidays. But do you know how to say it Irish style? 'Nollaig Shona' means Happy Christmas in the Irish language. But there are many other ways of bringing Irish culture into Christmas traditions without using words.
The Twelve days of Christmas is an all-time seasonal sung favourite and heard often as one of December's best loved classics. But what about the twelve jewels of Christmas?
What are the origins of Samhain? It follows on from Lughnasa, a Gaelic festival marking the beginning of the harvest season. Samhain marks the end of the harvest and beginning of winter.
We’re all getting set for Autumn / Winter 2024 and the looks for the new season have already been showcased on catwalks all over the fashion capitals of the world. It’s time now to refocus on jewelry.
Longer engagements are having a moment. As soon as the diamond is on their finger, many brides want to fast forward to that walk down the aisle - but the tide is turning.
Hazel is the Celtic Tree of the Zodiac from August 5th onwards to the beginning of September and has huge significance when it comes to harvest time and the changing of the seasons.
The locations, the language, the fun... Ireland is a great place to get engaged or if it's not possible, it's a great idea to bring some of your Irish heritage in to a proposal.