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Lovers Knot Silver Wedding Band - Size 5 3/4

4.8 4 5 1


Reference: P3706
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Silver - Florentine

WAS $200.00 - NOW $138.32.

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This silver wedding band features a simple but elegant lovers knot. This stunning intertwining knot has no beginning and no end, symbolizing never ending love and its simplicity stands out beautifully in the sterling silver setting, with the option of rings for ladies or gents.

The series of knots results in a repeat pattern around the ring and is a beautiful symbol to mark significant meaning for two people who want to celebrate their devotion and love. The history of the lovers knot stretches back many centuries to the time of the Celts in Ireland and the evocative symbol sets off a truly romantic piece of jewelry and a classic wedding band to treasure
Metal Solid Sterling Silver
Width (Ladies) 5mm
Width (Gents) 7mm

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Irish Hallmark Quality Assured

Assay Office Mark When you buy Celtic jewelry from us, you are buying genuine Irish quality. All Celtic jewelry sold by Rings from Ireland bears the world-famous hallmark of Ireland's Assay Office. This is a guaranteed mark of quality and authenticity. Read More

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All of our products come in luxury packaging to protect your shipment and provide beautiful presentation.

Most of our products take 2 to 3 weeks to make, hallmark and ship.

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Customer Reviews

By from Spain - October 23, 2020

Very well done and comfortable.

By from Spain - June 26, 2020

El servei molt bo, molt bona comunicació i enviament molt ràpid. Vaig encarregar 2 anells, un per la meva promesa i un per mi i la talla és perfecte. Estem encantats, són preciosos. Molt recomanable!!!

By from Germany - March 7, 2019

Ich habe mir 2 Ringe bestellt. Sie haben einwandfrei gepasst. Hatte erst Sorge, aber Ringgröße passte. Seriöser Händler. Weiterhin wurde auch die Zeit von Bestellung bis Anlieferung eingehalten. Die Ringe sagen auch genau so aus wie in dem Bild. Kann ich weiterempfehlen.

By from Spain - July 19, 2018

M'encantan...vaig agafar 2 anells, un per a mi, de dona, Lovers Knot Silver Wedding Band i l'altre pel meu marit Lovers Knot Silver Wedding Band però oxidat...haig de dir que m'agrada més el d'ell però, tot i així, estic molt contenta. Us agraeixo moltíssim, sobretot a tu Ken, perquè no heu posat ni un problema sinó tot facilitats... Moltes gràcies de nou i si necessito un anell irlandès no dubtaré en tornar-me a posar en contacte amb vosaltres. Salutacions!! Joanna I love ... I took 2 rings, one for me, a woman, Lovers Knot Silver Wedding Band and the other for my husband Lovers Knot Silver Wedding Band but oxidised ... I have to say that I like it But his, but I'm very happy. I thank you very much, especially to your Ken, because you have not placed a problem but all facilities ... Thank you very much again and if I need an Irish ring, I will not hesitate to contact you again. until soon!!!!

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